Your gift voucher order

Date, time and number of persons

Group discounts
  • 5+ persons € 120 / per person
  • 6+ persons € 120 / per person
  • 7+ persons € 120 / per person
  • 8+ persons € 120 / per person

Your personal details
(Buyer - not visible on the voucher)

We have found your email address in our database.
If you want to log in, enter your password and click the submit button.

If you don‘t want to sign in, just continue without filling in your password.

Discount code

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Secured payment methods

Please note that when you book the activity, in next step your credit card, PayPal account or virtual wallet will be charged accordingly. You will receive a gift voucher with confirmation.

Payment method:

Payment summary

Pilgrimage day in Cantabrian mountains from Santander

Total price: 116.00
Total: 116.00

Gift voucher valid to: 18/10/2025


  • Location:  Cantabria, Spain
  • Duration:  10 hrs
  • Difficulty:  Easy
  • Languages spoken:  English, Spanish


Do you have a question or need more information about the activity?

You can reach our European office between 9am and 5pm CET on weekdays and between 11am and 5pm on weekends and holidays.